Joint Actions towards transnational bioeconomy innovation ecosystem

Aug. 26, 2019 | Central Finland, Finland

Partners of Biobord network have agreed on the Joint Action Plans as regional and transnational roadmaps for strengthening the bioeconomy innovation ecosystems. The Joint Action Plan aims to support smart, sustainable and inclusive growth of bioeconomy in rural regions of five Baltic Sea Region countries involved in the project “Rural RDI Milieus in Transition Towards Smart Bioeconomy Clusters and Innovation Ecosystems” funded by Interreg Baltic Sea region Programme 2014-2020.

The Joint Action Plan includes transnational actions and measures to be implemented in cross-regional partnerships of at least two partners from two regions. The Joint Action Plan development involved a transnational workshop in Hedmark, bilateral meetings and discussions as well as continuous stakeholder dialogue in regions. As a result, the partnership has identified several short, medium and long-term development action for enhancing the triple helix co-operation on regional and interregional levels.

Some bilateral actions, such as study visits, joint project planning and expertise exchange in events, have already been implemented and more is on the way. All network members and Biobord users can join the journey at the Biobord Forum, where the joint actions are mobilized with information sharing, joint planning and knowledge building as well as coordination of ongoing actions.

Joint Action Plan and Regional Action Plan publications were published on August 26, 2019. Read more on Joint Action Plans at