Vidzeme, Latvia

In the Vidzeme Region Sustainable Development strategy 2030 and Vidzeme Development Programme 2015-2020, Vidzeme planning region has outlined a regional smart specialization areas corresponding to the nationally defined RSI3 area ” Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”: High added value wood-based products; Healthy food and beverages production; Biomass usage for energy and chemical conversion.

The region is a home to LATVIAN FOOD BIOECONOMY CLUSTER (LFBC) is a triple-helix cluster organization, one of the most developed and internationally active bioeconomy clusters in the Baltic countries.

The vision of the cluster is to become a key food bioeconomy innovation hub in Latvia.

The objectives of the cluster are:

Cluster fosters cooperation between its members and external partners, to promote knowledge and technology transfer, develop new products, technologies, and innovative solutions, to promote a modernization, competitiveness, growth of export capacity and innovation capacity of the cluster members.

Main priority areas of the cluster are:

Cluster strives to promote more sustainable use of resources and environmentally friendly food production, progress towards EU-level climate neutrality goals and UN sustainable development goals and also increase the awareness and knowledge in society about the potential of sustainable innovation in the food production and consumption value chain which is grounded in the principles of circular bioeconomy, sustainable use of biological resources and conservation of biodiversity.

Cluster is developing the internationalization of the cluster and its members - to promote international cooperation with clusters and related institutions operating in the field of bioeconomy and food production and processing industries, as well as food and bioeconomy innovation initiatives, cooperation networks, platforms and consortia, science parks, business incubators and innovation centers in the Europe and globally.

Since 2011 cluster has been involved as a partner, associated partner or beneficiary in several international and interregional projects and is actively collaborating with other cluster organizations, networks, R&D organizations, and science parks in Europe. LFBC is a proven collaboration partner which has a member network of partners with various competences and business profiles.

LFBC is open to develop joint projects with partners from other countries in such areas as bio economy, food innovation, food processing side streams valorization, functional foods, sustainable food packaging and design, sustainable food logistics, gourmet tourism, digitalization and modernization of agri-food sector.

Regional smart specialization strategy in bioeconomy

The development and strategic internationalization of the LFBC as a bioeconomy hub is defined among priority action areas in the Long-term development strategy 2030 and Development programme 2015-2020 of the Vidzeme planning region. The regional smart specialization areas defined in the regional strategy are: high added value wood-based products, healthy food and beverages production and biomass usage for energy and chemical conversion. These areas are corresponding to the nationally defined RIS3 smart specialization area – knowledge intensive bioeconomy and the Latvia national bioeconomy strategy 2030 (LIBRA), coordinated by the Ministry of Agriculture.

Cluster members:

Members of the cluster are innovative food industry companies, universities and R&D institutions working in the field of bioeconomy and Vidzeme Planning Region.

Currently cluster has 15 members. Cluster is an open organization and is inviting new members to become members or collaboration partners of the cluster.

Cluster member companies have a strong knowhow in craft & artisanal, organic, natural, high added value and healthy food and beverages production and technologies. SMEs and R&D members of the cluster have developed substantial knowledge in the fields of plant-based products (vegetables, fruits and berries, medicinal and aromatic plants, plant based proteins and bioactive compounds, plants and crop selection, plant genetics) and are increasing the use and valorization of valuable production side streams.



Ltd. Valmiermuižas alus

Ltd. Felici

Ltd. Konso

Ltd. Very Berry

Ltd. Dimdiņi

Ltd. Skrīveru Saldumi

Ltd. Rāmklani Nordeco


R&D institutions:

Institute for Environmental Solutions

Institute of Agricultural Resources and Economics

Institute of Horticulture

Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences

Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technolgies

Public sector organizations:

Vidzeme Planning Region