The RDI2CluB partners did not meet in Latvia, but they still build bioeconomy together

May 11, 2020 | Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship, Poland

Between 20 and 23 April we planned a last benchmarking meeting of RDI2CluB partners in Latvia. Unfortunately, the coronavirus pandemic, made it impossible. We did not see the Latvian outstanding examples of innovative bioeconomy in practice. But our previous face to face contacts, common goal of knowledge sharing and outstanding organization by our Latvian partners and Lead partner via modern technologies enabled us to conduct a successful on-line workshop together. Thanks to this, we also contributed a little to helping our planet and we hope this news cheers you all up a little during this difficult time of isolation. If you want to see how we did it, see our YouTube video (Engilsh subtitles provided).