This report highlights the efforts of a growing network of different actors in developing the
bioeconomy innovation ecosystem and solutions around the Baltic Sea Region.
Report of regional pilot cases
For three years, since the launch of the Interreg Baltic Sea Region program’s co-funded project “Rural RDI milieus in transition towards smart bioeconomy clusters and innovation ecosystem” (RDI2CluB), the partner regions from Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Norway and Poland have been building a network of stakeholders – researchers, entrepreneurs, business developers, policy and decision makers –and a set of innovative tools and methods to reinvigorate rural areas and nurture their economies while contributing to a more sustainable future for all.
This report showcases five solutions (Regional Pilot Cases) developed in and tested as result of
transnational dialogue and co-creation among the bioeconomy regions of Central Finland, Inland
Region in Norway, Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship in Poland, Vidzeme Region in Latvia and Estonia.
The report is organized in three main chapters. The first chapter describes the methodological
framework of the Pilot Cases. The second chapter presents a brief story of each Pilot Case and the
impacts made. The third chapter lists the lessons learnt during transnational cooperation for the
development of bioeconomy innovations.
The report is one of the outputs of the RDI2CluB project’s Work Package 4, Group of Activities